Educare Event/ Magazine
Post date: Dec 16, 2016 9:36:6 AM
To commemorate the three auspicious occasions in the kingdom of Bhutan, The Birth Year of Ugyen Guru Rinpochey, 400 years of the arrival of Zhadrung Rinpochey in Bhutan and the Birth of the Jewel of Bhutan, the prince Gyelse Jigme Namgyel Wangchuk, we are organizing two events for the promotion of education as follows :
TV Show by the best Singers & Artist selected from all the Higher Secondary Schools across Bhutan. The event is almost for two months starting from 17th Dec.2016 to 28th Feb 2017. This could be a good platform for all the Educational institutions to promote their Universities/colleges. If you are interested to take part in this event, you require to deposit a sum of Rs.50, 000/- (Fifty Thousand) only. The Bhutan Broad Casting Service will be showing LIVE on TV 12 times a week. Therefore, you may have to send a content of advertisement of your institution which should not be more than 40 seconds in reading.
With the completion of this event, we will be organizing a National Education Fair on 11-12th March 2017, for which if you are interested to participate, please deposit Rs.55,000/- Fifty Thousand to us immediately to book your Stall. You will be given a twine sharing room with free breakfast within that amount. Your permit fees is also included in that.
Coinciding with the celebration of Three most auspicious occasions in the history of Bhutan, the Birth year of Guru Rinpochey, 400 years of Zhabdrung’s arrival in Bhutan and the Birth of the Jewel of Bhutan the Gyelse (Prince) Jigme Namgyel Wangchuk, we introduce Bhutan EDU-CARE MAGAZINE as a RESOURCE FOR SELECTING THE BEST UNIVERSITIES and Colleges for placing the Bhutanese students, which will be published in Jan 2017, and distributed to all concerned relevant Departments who are placing government Scholarships for further studies and Higher Secondary Schools across the Kingdom for self finance study. A copy of the Magazine will be made available during the Education Fair on 11-12th March 2017. This Magazine is designed for all the enthusiasts who admire to choose the best universities/colleges for pursuing their further studies. This Magazine will be a resource for selecting institutions. Rates refer to BHUTAN CARE document.