Store & Inventory Management

The stores and inventory management certificate recognizes the skills and knowledge required for people working as a skilled store manager/store keeper and builds on the skills and knowledge that candidate will have gained through the successful completion of the course.

This course is designed to provide knowledge, skill and attitude to an individual to become skilled store manager/store keeper. Upon completion of this course, the trainees will be able to work in actual working condition where they can apply their knowledge to manage store and inventory.

 Module Title


Managing stores and inventory

 Learning Outcomes

1. Interpret the need for stores and inventory management

2. Explain the importance of material control

3. Prepare material plan

4. Prepare material budget

5. Explain the importance of stores control

6. Calculate and fix different stock levels

7. Calculate the economic ordering quality and stock turnover

8. Classify materials and affix codes to material

9. Maintain sores records and calculate material price when issued

 Nominal Duration


44 Hours