Up coming New Courses
As part of our endeavor to produce skillful manpower, we have now initiated to introduce the following high end courses to meet the demands by the various respective industries and institutions.
Career and Employment Preparation Course for class X & XII, one month program, starting from 15th of September 2011.-Nu. 2500/month
Employment Preparation Course for University graduates, two week program, starting from 15th of September 2011.-Nu. 3500/month
Entrepreneurship Development Program for youth interested in business/self employment, starting from 15th of October 2011.-Nu. 5000/individual
Decision Making & Project Planning using Microsoft Excel workshop for managers in government, corporate and private sectors, three day program, starting from 21st of September 2011.- Nu. 3500/individual
Inspirational Leadership course for managers, three day program, starting from 3rd of November 2011.-Nu.9000/individual
Project Management & Financing course for managers and graduates, three day program, starting from 7th November 2011.-Nu.15000/individual
Central Banking and Liquidity Management course for banking staff, seven day program, starting from 21st November 2011.-Nu. 7000/individual
Materials Management course (open to all), three day program, starting from 1st December 2011. - Nu. 5000/individual
Advanced Customer Care course for senior executives, three day program, starting form 12th December 2011.-Nu.25000/individual
Disaster Management course (common to all) starting from 21st November 2011.-Nu. 5000/individual
Communications Skills for university graduates , 6 month program starting from 19th September 2011.- Nu. 4500/individual