Rigsum Internet Café
The Rigsum Internet Café was launched in August 2012 as a Rigsum Research Lab project.
The Café offers Rigsum trainees the opportunity to use Internet-connected desktops. For many of the trainees, this is the first time they are exposed to the Internet. Café managers are available to assist with opening email accounts, searching the web etc.
In addition, the Café serves as a platform for developing, testing and launching Internet Kiosk technologies appropriate for educational institutions and communities.
Here are some of the unique features of the Rigsum Internet Café:
Ultra-strong protection against viruses and other malware: All changes to the hard-disk are discarded after a system reboot.
DNS protection adding features such as domain misspelling correction, phishing protection, and optional content filtering. This guarantees that users don't end up at inappropriate websites.
A fast broadband connection guarantees smooth surfing experience.
Cheap, affordable rates, starting at only Nu 5 for 10 minutes.
A selection of Bhutanese music MP3s, available for download to pen-drives and mobile phones